"Институт Национальных и Международных Инициатив Развития"
"Institute of National and International Development Initiatives" Public Foundation
This page contains brief information about the projects. More detailed information about the progress and results of the projects can be found in the reports of the "INIDI" PF
25. Project: "RIF: Register of Foreign Funding".
Donor: ICNL.Lifeline
Grant amount: 24,874 USD (11,222,486.00 Tenge, of which 918,740.00 Tenge in 2023)
Project start and end date: November 15, 2023 - March 15, 2024
Geographical coverage: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Coordinator: Samokeish Oksana, e-mail: inidi.pf@gmail.com.
Donor contacts: Natasha Hryekewicz - program assistant - Eurasia ICNL, e-mail: nhryekewicz@icnl.org
24. Project: "Organization of outreach work for non-governmental organizations on combating legalization, money laundering and financing of terrorism in the framework of implementation of the FATF recommendation".
Donor: Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan - state social order
Amount: 14 008 920.00 tenge
Project start and end date: September 2023 - November 2023
Geographical coverage: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Coordinator: Samokeish Oksana, e-mail: inidi.pf@gmail.com.
Donor's contacts: Yerlan Rakishev, specialist of ICI RK, e-mail: e.rakishev@mki.gov.kz
23. Project Name: Institutional Development Program (SICA Institutional Development Grants KZ)
Donor: Representative Office of the Eurasia Foundation in Kazakhstan
Project start date: March 2022
Project end date: October 2022
Project Status: Project has been successfully completed.
Geography: Republic of Kazakhstan.
Project Coordinators: Vitaly Tabayev, Asel Krykbayeva, e-mail: inidi.pf@gmail.com
Donor contacts: Aigul Bazylbekova, grant manager, e-mail: abazylbekova@eurasia.org
22. Project Name: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative for Territorial Development
Donor: Eurasia Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan
Grant amount: 10 575 600 KZT ($24 784)
Project start date: July 2021
Project end date: August 2022
Project Status: Project has been successfully completed.
Geography of coverage: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Coordinator: Svetlana Usha-kova, e-mail: inidi.pf@gmail.com
Donor contacts: Leila Dyusenova, grant manager, e-mail: Ldyussenova@eurasia.org
21. Project Title: Development of a Risk-Based Approach to Assessing Civil Society Organizations in the Framework of the FATF.
Donor: ICNL.
Grant amount: 35,599 USD
Start Date: December 2021
Project end date: July 2022
Project Status: Completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses): Vice President of ICNL Natalia Bourjaily nbourj@icnl.org
20. Name of the Project: Government programs for Start-ups
Donor: Eurasia Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan
Grant amount: 4 495 815 tenge
Project start date: September 2021
Project end date: April 2022
Project Status: Completed successfully
Geography of coverage: Republic of Kazakhstan.
Project Coordinator: Vitaly Tabaev, e-mail: vtabaev@gmail.com
Donor contacts: Leila Dyusenova, grant manager, e-mail: Ldyussenova@eurasia.org
19. Name of project: Law must be useful for people
Donor: Association of Legal Entities (ALLE) "Civil Society Development Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ARGO)
Grant amount: 6,500 USD
Start date of project: April 2021
Project end date: July 2021
Project Status: Completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses): Inkara Mukatova Program Officer, Office phone: +7(727) 250 27 87(122), email: inkara@innovationforchange.net
18. Project Name: Conducting an Economic Empowerment Analysis of Rural Women in Pilot Regions
Donor: UN Women
Contract amount: 9 700 000 KZT ($ 22931,4)
Project start date: November 2020
Project end date: February 2021
Project Status: Completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses): Diana Aimagambeto-va diana.aimagambetova@unwomen.org
17. Donor: "KAMEDA" PF with the support of UNDP
Project name: "COVID-19: preparedness, response and assistance for recovery of Kazakhstan in crisis situations
Grant amount: 2 000 000 tenge
Project start date: May 2020
Project End Date: September 2020
Project Status: Completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phones, e-mail): Makhabbat Yespenova, +7 771 999 0360, m.yespenova@mail.ru
16. Donor: Association of Legal Entities (ALE) "Civil Society Development Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan". (ARGO).
Title of the Project: Real Mechanisms of Public Participation.
Grant amount: 6 500 USD
Project Start Date: November 2019
Project end date: September 2020
Project Status: Project in progress
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses): Arna Maiketova, Grant Manager +7 (727) 250 27 87, 250 27 88 (#116) arna@argonet.org
15. Donor: ICNL
Project Name: Implementation of a Risk-Based Approach to Assessment of Civil Society Organizations under the FATF.
Grant Amount: $30,250
Project Start Date: September 2019
Project end date: September 2020
Project Status: Project in progress
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses): ICNL Vice President Natalia Bourjaily nbourj@icnl.org
14. Donor: UN Women
Name of the project: Research into the causes and consequences of women's economic inactivity and their involvement in the informal economy of Kazakhstan.
Grant amount: 13 306 000 tenge
Project Start Date: September 2019
Project end date: February 2020
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses): Diana Aymagambetova diana.aimagambetova@unwomen.org
13. Donor: Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.
Project name: Development of amendments to the Subsoil Code of the RK related to the definition, control and responsibility of beneficial owners of companies - subsoil users
Grant amount: 6,458,000 tenge
Project start date: June 2018
Project end date: May 2019
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor's contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses): Askar Kushkunbaev akushkunbayev@soros.kz
12. Donor: "BASF" Ltd.
Project name: "Organization of conference "Food enrichment - effective strategy for prevention of anemia and deficiency of vitamins and microelements", Aktobe.
Grant amount: 1 455 000 tenge
Project start date: October 2017
Project end date: November 2017
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Olga Bushueva olga.bushueva@basf.com
11. Donor: Canada Fund for Local Initiatives under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada
Project title: "Strengthening the capacity of women's CSOs and initiative groups in rural areas of Kazakhstan through web-based education and CSO networking".
Grant amount: 5,305,000 tenge
Project start date: September 2017
Project end date: February 2018
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses):
Anna Zhugan annazhugan@mail.ru
10. Donor: NAO PSC
Project Title: "Monitoring and Evaluation of the Impact of NGO Projects with International and State Funding".
Grant amount: 5 000 000 tenge
Project start date: July 2017
Project end date: November 2017
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Aliya Daniyarova daniyarova@cisc.kz
9. Donor: Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan
Project name: "Through Accessible EITI Information to Public Discussions"
Grant amount: 8,949,000 tenge
Project start date: July 2017
Project end date: February 2018
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Askar Kushkunbaev akushkunbayev@soros.kz
Project name: "Bastama zhergilikti zherlerde/ Initiatives on the ground" grant "Expansion of citizens' participation in decision-making through the development of local self-government and local civil society institutions".
Grant amount: 1,760,000
Project start date: April 2017
Project end date: November 2017
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Makhabbat Yespenova m.yespenova@mail.ru
7. Donor: "LifeLine".
Project name: Informing and training NGOs on how to fill out foreign funding reporting forms
Grant amount: $19,900
Project Start Date: October 2016
Project end date: February 2017
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Gulmira Kuzhukeyeva kuzhukeyeva@icnl.org.kz
6. Donor: GAIN
Project name: Creating a positive attitude towards flour fortification among consumers, producers in Kazakhstan
Grant amount: $ 104 000
Project start date: February 2016
Project end date: December 2016
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses):
Yulia Belosludtseva ybeloslyudtseva@gainhealth.org
5. Donor: "LifeLine".
Project Title: Informing and training NGOs on completing the reporting form for the database of NGOs of the Ministry of Culture and Information.
Grant amount: $ 14 700
Project Start Date: March 2016
Project End Date: April 2016
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, email addresses):
Gulmira Kuzhukeyeva kuzhukeyeva@icnl.org.kz
4. Donor: Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan
Project name: Training and preparation of NGO representatives to work in the EITI on the NHSI
Grant amount: 6 425 000 tenge
Project start date: March 2015
Project end date: October 2015
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses):
Dinara Pogodina 8 (727)2503811
3. Donor: Ministry of Culture and Information of the RK
Project name: Organization of expert and analytical support of the measures taken during the implementation of the President's Message to the people of Kazakhstan Strategy "Kazakhstan 2050".
Grant amount: 6 200 000 tenge
Project start date: August 2013
Project end date: December 2013
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses):
Arman Yelubayevich Sadvakasov, Department of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Culture and Information of the RK, 8 707 989 11 77
2. Donor: World Bank.
Project Title: National and Regional Capacity Building of Civil Society And Their Engagement in EITI Processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Grant amount: $ 45,000
Project start date: November 2012
Project end date: November, 2013
Project Status: Completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail address):
Tatyana Sedova tsedova@worldbank.org
1. Donor: Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan
Project title: Promotion of OGP international initiative
Grant amount: 1993925 Tenge
Project start date: October 2012
Project end date: April 2013
Project Status: Project completed successfully
Donor contacts (contact person, phone numbers, e-mail addresses):
Askar Kushkumbaev 8 (727) 2503811